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게시물 (96)

  • 로켓v10 [1]
    운영자 | 2022-09-21 10:15 | 조회 수 0
  • 우주영재
    우주영재 Ver06ver06.vDoc
    운영자 | 2022-09-15 13:01 | 조회 수 0
  • 1996 포드 피에스타 [4]
    KIAKARENS2 | 2022-08-16 11:27 | 조회 수 355
  • Happy Birthday Wulf111
    Dear Wulf111: Happy Birthday to you and may you just be able to make paper models all day long. Enjoy, Miles 원문출처 : https://www.papermodelers.com/forum/paper-birthday/49712-happy-birthday-wulf111-n...
    운영자 | 2022-08-08 23:02 | 조회 수 4
  • 누리호
    누리호 초안 ver01.vDoc
    운영자 | 2022-07-22 08:04 | 조회 수 0
  • 기상청 [1]
    ㅍㄷㄱ ver02.vDoc
    운영자 | 2022-05-18 01:49 | 조회 수 0
  • sun_filter [1]
    운영자 | 2022-05-03 12:22 | 조회 수 0
  • 1980 Lotus 81 - Mario Andretti : My F1 Cars - The Driver Series
    Second in what I call my Driver Series is Mario Andretti's 1980 Lotus 81 (by Rado of Modely F1). If you missed the first build, 1974 McLaren... 원문출처 : http://www.papermodelers.com/forum/civilian-wh...
    운영자 | 2022-05-02 02:02 | 조회 수 13
  • help: one F1 car specific paint details race by race (1967)
    I know this is VERY specific...and I don't want to bother you...also it's work for people who know a lot (crazies who love "those... 원문출처 : https://www.papermodelers.com/forum/civilian-wheels/49192...
    운영자 | 2022-03-15 10:02 | 조회 수 9
  • 엘란 [26]
    KIAKARENS2 | 2022-02-22 22:21 | 조회 수 602