Modeling starts with making faces. There are some ways to make faces and I will introduce them to you here.
Click four times on the 3D view, and a new face is created. Or,
click three times and
click the right button, and a new triangle is created.
When you click near the existing vertex, a vertex of the new face is shared with the existing face. It is certain to share vertices while pressing the Ctrl key.
[Create] command requires some clicks , and it's a little troublesome. When a face has already existed, select a line and
drag it in [Pull] command. It is very easy to make a triangle or a quadrangle that contains the first selected line.
You can make a basic shape like a cube, a sphere, a cylinder and so on by [Primitive] command.
You can create smooth faces like pulling against each other when you use [Blobs] command.
You must polygonize them after putting blobs.
It can make smooth patches from polygons in real-time.
Select the [Menu > Panel > Object Panel] and push a [Property] button. A setting dialog is shown, so select 'Spline Type1/2' or 'Catmull-Clark' in 'Patch' group, and push a OK button. Polygons are displayed as smooth patches. It is possible to operate as before, you can edit an object easily.
If you want to convert patches to polygons, select [Menu > Object > Freeze] and freeze them with checking a 'Patch'.
Please see Patches for details.